Brick Hub


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420 bricks found.


Boilerplate for clean architecture using fewer libraries

1.5.0(5 months ago)31

A brick to create a widget structure for your project, depending of the type you want.

0.0.1(2 years ago)29

A brick to create nice exceptions using Freezed.

0.0.1(2 years ago)29

Generate a new feature for Wisemen following our standards with Riverpod

0.3.0(this month)28

A brick to create a datasource structure for your project!

0.0.1(2 years ago)26

A Riverpod Feature maker for Flutter projects

0.0.7(5 months ago)26

a starter template for flutter/firebase/riverpod/hooks/gorouter/flavors/theming/icons/launchscreen.

1.0.0(last year)26

A brick to create a Service structure for your project!

0.0.1(2 years ago)25

A mason brick for implementing BLoC architecture in your Flutter project.

0.1.0+3(last year)25

Generate a new slide for the slide deck. Built for the flutter_deck package.

0.3.0(3 months ago)25