Brick Hub


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420 bricks found.


A Brick For Create Modules Based On mvc_project Brick.

0.1.2(last year)14

A UI Kit component skeleton. Use it with ui_kit_core brick.

0.4.0(last year)14

Generates files based on a schematic.

0.1.4+1(last year)14

Brick for create authentication with code for social login and register.

0.1.0+5(8 months ago)14

Generate fastlane Fastfile for auto publish to Appstore and Playstore.

0.1.0+1(last year)13

This brick will generate the MVVM boiler plate code for the dart/ flutter project

0.3.1+4(last month)13

A brick to create a feature with a clean architecture structure with barrel files and useful packages.

0.0.1(last year)13

Scaffolding a flutter app with bloc, data/domain/presentation clean separation and optionally code tests/homepage

0.1.0(2 years ago)13

Here's a professional way to phrase the sentence about creating a feature folder architecture in Flutte.

1.1.18+18(2 months ago)13

A starter Flutter application for a macOS tool that uses macos_ui

0.2.1(2 years ago)13