Brick Hub


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420 bricks found.


Create an app Core Folder.

1.1.2+2(2 months ago)12

A brick for make project flutter setup.

1.0.0+3(last week)12

Brick for creating a new app with the core of a clean arquitecture.

0.1.7+8(6 months ago)12

A brick to add base Widgets to your Widgetbook

1.0.0(last year)12

Populates a very good Flutter App ready to interact with the Google Places API.

1.0.0(2 years ago)12

Add packages installation to your mason brick project

0.4.0+1(7 months ago)12

Ease and Speed up Internationalizing Flutter Apps

1.2.1+1(9 months ago)12

Template for generating GLSL files to be used within a Flutter project.

1.0.2(33 minutes ago)11

Make theming with your custom Design System enjoyable.

1.0.5(9 months ago)11

A very opiniated TypeScript Node library template that fits my own taste and workflow

0.1.6(9 months ago)11