Brick Hub


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420 bricks found.


A brick to create a view + controller + form (using reactive_forms_generator)

0.2.0+1(last year)11

Theme selection with flutter

0.2.0+0(2 years ago)11

A mason brick to generate GetX Clean Template.

0.2.0+1(last year)10

Search highlight text with flutter

0.2.0+10(2 years ago)10

A simple dart package

0.1.0+1(last year)10

A brick to get the notification service with firebase messenging and flutter local notifications.

1.0.0+3(last year)10

Seed for Feature Driven Architecture Structure.

0.1.1(last year)10

A new rapidfire project created with the Mason CLI.

0.1.0+5(5 days ago)9

A new brick for generate firebase push notification implementation.

0.1.0+3(last year)9

Brick for the simple creating repositories and tests for them.

0.1.0+2(2 years ago)9