Brick Hub


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404 bricks found.


A Mason brick that facilitates the creation of a feature using a Domain-driven approach architecture.

0.2.0(last year)3

Unit tests for scaffolding a flutter app with bloc, data/domain/presentation

0.1.0(last year)3

A new brick created with the Mason CLI, to use in clean achitecture

0.1.0+3(2 months ago)3

A GitHub Actions template for actions written in Dart.

0.1.0(last year)3

A brick to make talker (logger / error handling package) initialization by the simplest way

0.1.0+2(last year)3

Why not make a Flutter Monorepo Workspace? Powered by

0.0.1(4 months ago)3

A script runner for mason.

0.1.0+1(2 years ago)3

Bloc router feature module generator

0.1.2(5 months ago)3

Why not make a Flutter package? Powered by

0.0.2(4 months ago)3

Generate rivdepod 2.0, retrofit, json model

0.1.0+2(2 years ago)3