Brick Hub


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404 bricks found.


Gapo Flutter brick created with the Mason CLI.

1.0.2(5 months ago)3

A very opiniated golang module template that fits my own taste and workflow

0.1.0+1(last year)3

It is a Mezorn LLC "Las Vegas" architecture brick.

0.1.1+3(last year)3

A brick to generate a new feature/module structure in MVVM architecture.

0.1.0+1(9 months ago)3

Brick de template da funcionalidade de visualização do perfil.

0.1.2+3(7 months ago)3

In app update with flutter.

0.1.0+1(2 years ago)3

A brick to create items.

0.0.1+2(last year)3

Template to generate Flutter applications that are structured for my own taste and workflow

0.1.0+1(last year)3

A nyxx bot written with the help of the nyxx_commands package.

0.2.0(last year)3

A brick that provides the structure for implementing go_router in Flutter projects.

0.1.1(2 months ago)2